Welcome to PAKD Art Lab Berlin, a new hub for existing and aspiring artists to come together, learn, teach, practice and hone skills.

Starting with figure & portrait drawing and painting, we will expand our offering to provide a space for the exploration of diverse styles, mediums and conceptual projects.

Your new art community begins here

Sundays: 11:00 - 14:00

  • €30 per 3 hour session (come as often or as little as you like)

  • €280 for complete package of ten sessions (come for ten lessons in a row)

Oil Painting Class: Introduction to Realist Painting

Join professional character animator & classically trained oil painter Peter Kasim (@kasim.gram) for a fully tutored course in realistic oil painting, in the tradition of classical ateliers.

The course consists of ten weekly sessions which can be taken flexibly and without commitment. Booking the entire ten week package will ensure priority space as there are only a maximum of 5 students per session.

Course is suitable for all levels, from absolute painting beginners, to more confident practitioners who want to learn the academic method first-hand from an experienced tutor.

About the tutor: Peter Najad Kasim

— Or —

Register by email: peter@pakd-gallery.com

  • €15 drop-in, or €13 with registration via Meetup.com or email

  • €10 for students (please bring valid student ID)

Life Drawing: Short and medium poses

Mondays 19:30 - 22:00

— Or —

Register by email: peter@pakd-gallery.com

Join professional character animator Peter Kasim (@kasim.gram) for a session of gestural drawing practice. Hone your accuracy, anatomical intuition, and sense of proportion through a series of poses beginning with 2 minutes and ending in 20 minutes.

Quick drawing helps to remove the pressure and inhibition that comes with making long studies: it’s not about perfection, it’s about freeing yourself to make mistakes until weight, form and proportion become second nature.

Open to all levels, simple materials provided but please bring your preferred medium and paper to make the most of the session.

Untutored, with optional help and tips from Peter.

Wednesdays 19:30 - 22:00

  • €15 drop-in, or €13 with registration via Meetup.com or email

  • €10 for students (please bring valid student ID)

Life Drawing: Medium and long poses

— Or —

Register by email: peter@pakd-gallery.com

Join professional character animator Peter Kasim (@kasim.gram) for a session of analytical drawing practice. With poses beginning at 10 minutes and ending at 40 minutes in length, you will have the time to draw the figure in detail, analyzing anatomy and taking the time to render forms.

Open to all levels, simple materials provided but please bring your preferred medium and paper to make the most of the session.

Untutored, with optional help and tips from Peter.

  • Sundays 11:00 - 14:00

  • Wednesday 19:00 - 22:00

  • €20 drop-in, or €15 with registration via Meetup.com or email

  • €13 for students (please bring valid student ID)

Portrait Drawing & Painting

Join us for the opportunity to draw or paint a portrait every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening with a new model each week.

Bring your own materials, or purchase acrylic paint, canvas and paintbrushes from the gallery.

Please follow the RSVP link above to reserve a spot via Meetup.com or email. There are a maximum of ten spaces so we cannot guarantee a space without reservation!

Untutored, with optional help and tips from Peter.

— Or —

Register by email: peter@pakd-gallery.com

Sunday 9,16,23.2 & 2.3 | 14:30-16:30

Arabic Calligraphy

  • 25 € (including material)

  • Registration: dani.hasrouni.5@gmail.com

Discover the beauty of Arabic calligraphy with Bdr Alkhous and Dani Hasrouni and dive into the art of Arabic calligraphy in this exclusive workshop.

This workshop is open to beginners, or anyone curious about Arabic script and offers a perfect blend of theory, hands-on practice as well as creative exploration.

This workshop offers a fascinating introduction to the history and styles of Arabic calligraphy with practical exercises. You will learn basic techniques, enjoy fun and creative exercises and even explore the use of digital tools.


Saturdays / Samstag 11:00 - 13:00

Lino cutting/ Linolschnitt Workshop

  • €10 Including materials / inklusive Materialen

  • Ages 8-16 / Alter: 8–16 Jahr

to register / um sich zu registrieren:
Contact / Kontakt

Become a lino artist!

Every Saturday you can cut and print cool patterns and pictures in linoleum. For everyone aged 8 to 16 – just join in and be creative! All materials are included.

Werde Linol-Künstler!

Jeden Samstag kannst du coole Muster und Bilder in Linoleum schneiden und drucken. Für alle von 8 bis 16 Jahren – einfach mitmachen und kreativ sein! Alle Materialien sind dabei.